These are weeks 18,19,21&22 of the belly
It's been awhile...there hasn't been too much to report lately since things are coming along just fine. I saw the doctor today and its pretty uneventful at these appointments. Just pee in a cup, get weighed, check blood pressure and then meet with the doctor to listen to the baby's heart beat and ask any questions. I always like hearing the heart beat but feeling her move daily is super awesome, too. We're guessing that she must like aerobics classes: kick boxing, step and tae kwon do. I worked a few night shifts last week and boy was she active all night long!! I wonder if she's always that active during the night and I just don't know it when I 'm sleeping. I'm sure I'll find out later as her movements continually become less ignore-able :) Her movements are already big enough that I can see my belly lurch. That's kind of crazy to see!
I had some fun being crafty last week. I made curtains to match the baby bedding we bought and also decorated the lamp shades to jazz them up a bit. (planning to paint the room green) Yes, I could have done these things much more simple... but it was SO MUCH FUN! I guess that's the way I channel my excitement right now by doing projects to get ready for when she arrives.
We've been discussing names some. No conclusions yet... and it will be kept a surprise until her arrival. It's funny how there were plenty of names I thought I would like to name my kids one day but when the time comes to really choose one, there's alot of pressure. Suddenly you have to do all of the checks to make sure its not something that will be horribly made fun of one day in school: what it rhymes with, what it shortens down to, what the initials will be.