Monday, April 27, 2009

So much fun!!!

Its hard to believe Grace is 8 months old, we've lived in this house 8 months (exactly) and been in Texas 10 months. We've been blessed to be surrounded by family and friends lately. We traveled up to Denver and then my parents just visited this weekend.
There is no stopping Grace now!! She's crawling like a pro and pulling herself up on her music table and the furniture. She's a determined one too, when she sees something she wants (usually something she shouldn't have- the TV remote, cell phone, Baxter's nasty bone or ball...) she will do whatever it takes to get it.
She's learning to feed herself the infamous Cheerios and learning to drink from a sippy cup. Oh, the challenges in life!! Learning new things and playing so hard means this little one still naps really hard which is both a blessing and a curse. She always needs to recharge her battery so it can be full speed ahead when she's awake!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Beautiful Colorado

What an awesome trip! We finally made it up to Denver to see Matt, Christy and Tatum. Ron and Patti also came for Easter weekend so all of the Carringtons got to be together again! Grace and Tatum had a wonderful time playing together as you'll see in the MILLION pictures below :) Tatum is a good big cousin and she was showing Grace the ropes of how to play, share (one card at a time), giving Grace kisses, etc...
There were all kinds of first for Grace- first time flying, first time for the little Texan to see snow, first time in a big playground swing, first time to see the mountains and go hiking, first Easter.
It was so nice to get away. I hadn't left San Antonio since we moved here, something about being tied down and a little busy... It was so good to see family! It was nice to feel coldness again and to see snow. It was 99 degrees the day before we left to head up to Denver. One day it was 70 and we were hiking in t-shirts and then 32 and snowing the next day! I guess every state has its crazy weather issues...

the snow-capped mountains blend in with the clouds- pictures just don't do it justiceWhere are we going?!
This is so cool!!

What is this white stuff???
Are you sure we should be doing this?


little Easter bunnies

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Gracie is on the go- for real!!

Grace has figured it out- the crawling thing- and now there's no stopping her!!