Sunday, August 8, 2010

its about time...

I was beginning to get nervous, feeling that this baby might try to come and I wouldn't have taken a single profile shot of the belly... My good friends Abbey and Dinorah insisted on throwing a baby shower for me, which was very sweet, and I snagged Abbey (while I was actually sort of dressed up nice) to snap a few pictures

>It was a nice and relaxed shower. We played a game that I've never done or had done to me before. Everyone was supposed to roll out the streamer to their best guess of the circumference of my belly, including me. I was impressed with how close everyone's estimates were. And then there was mine... They jokingly said, 'Make it as big as you feel'- so I did. My streamer made two laps around my belly with just an inch to spare. I believe the phrase that comes to mind is... 'large and in charge...'
Earlier in the day, we went to the Rockin' River water park where Little Miss Pish had a blast.
play water... fun water... jump water...
Minor incident... nothing a smooch couldn't cure.

1 comment:

Nick Gayes said...

Looks like a diver to me!