You know... in my pediatric nursing rotation they encourage play-therapy with the kids because their actions reflect alot about their home-life that they are unable to express otherwise. I wonder what Grace is trying to say about our parenting??:)

the frazzled mother

Things have been pretty good/interesting/busy here. I'm not sure where the month of October has gone, I thought it just started... Dan has hired an assistant coach that can't start soon enough- he's been incredibly busy. Their season is about to start with the team heading to Little Rock, AR to swim in an invitational this weekend. Coaching must be rough; I woke up last Thursday morning to a text timed from 6:34 a.m. saying, "I think I broke my ankle." Hmmmm... Luckily (I guess) it was a high ankle sprain. Thank goodness for the on-site care of the athletic trainers. It has gone through a rainbow of colors, looking pretty impressive.
I ran the LiveStrong Challenge 5K with my friend Jodie and our girlies rode along with us in their strollers. I think Grace liked cruising at the faster speeds. I was bummed that I did not catch a glimpse of Lance Armstrong though.
We went to see Third Day in concert last week. It was Dan's birthday present. The concert was awesome!! It was a pretty intimate setting. The music is much like the praise music from Hope Chapel in NC or Celebration Church here x 10. It felt like we were at the best Sunday morning praise ever. They were so down to earth. At one point when it went dark between songs, the band reappeared in the middle of the audience and played acoustic, taking requests from the crowd. Awesome!!
I think it is finally safe enough to mention that our house is sold. We were set for a 10/22 closing but then there a few paperwork hold-ups and it was put off to 10/29. So here we are the night before, a thousand signatures done and notarized, monies in place, papers overnighted to San Antonio and hopefully no last minute phone calls!