Sunday, August 31, 2008

Grace Marie

Our baby girl has arrived!! And she decided to come on her own time schedule: 1 1/2 weeks early, arriving on the day we were supposed to close on our house! Oops! (more on that later).

She was born on Tuesday, August 26th at 5:52 a.m. She weighed 7 lbs 15 oz, 19 1/2 inches long and with a full head of hair!

Here was our first lesson that you can't count on plans much once you have kids. Things started happening Monday night about 9:00 as we were doing the last packing of boxes and I was getting ready to go to work for Tuesday (Dan planned it that way so there was no way I could try to do any of the moving). I was feeling achy in my low back- no big deal, right? Then I started to notice crampy-type feelings that were seeming to come and go.... sort of regularly. I was in such denial that there was any chance that this could be labor- we're supposed to make it into the new house first! Dan was encouraging me to call in to work. No, let me see what this really is. Well 7 minutes apart, hmmmm..... Ok, called work, called the midwife and the doula. I guess I'd better pack my bag for the hospital rather than for work. We left for the hospital when the contractions were 3.5-5 minutes apart. I was already halfway there when they checked me at the hospital at 2:40 a.m. Wow! Everything just went really fast. Dan was awesome in helping me through the contractions and our doula was great in helping both of us. The midwife checked me again about 4:45 after my water just broke and she announced that I was complete. I said, "Are you kidding me?!" She said, "I don't joke about that- you're ready to push!"

What an amazing experience to bring life into the world. I'll let you look at the pictures rather than you having to listen to me gush about the experience.

Meanwhile, Dan left in the middle of Tuesday after Grace was born to sign papers for the house and then coordinated the move to happen Wednesday instead of Tuesday. And just like he said he had envisioned, I left the apartment to have the baby and brought her home to a new house (just a couple of boxes needing to be unpacked.....) Thank goodness for family! Patti stayed with me in the hospital on Wednesday and Ron and my mom helped Dan coordinate the move (Yes, we had movers!) Piece by piece we are getting the house settled and learning how to be parents. It seems (so far) that we have a baby with a laid back personality- we are glad! She's had plenty of opportunities to learn how to cope with stress while along for the ride inside of me!

I'll keep you posted!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Counting Down

We're counting down... 3 weeks to go. Life is good here in San Antonio. We are both getting up to speed with our jobs. I am off orientation and learning the ropes of a new nursing unit and new system. Dan is 'off' for the month of August and doing the administrative work to get the team ready to start their new season in September. He's been receiving lots of phone calls with people interested in joining the team thanks to Michael Phelps and the US Swim Team!

We are also very excited to be moving into a house just in time before the baby comes. The 3rd story apartment life is for the birds!! Things couldn't have worked out better the way we found this house. We'll be getting in 2 weeks before the baby is due and have a nice home to welcome her in to this world. What a blessing that my mom is able to come down to help with the move and is going to stay through until after the baby is born. (I can't believe she agreed after the ordeal the last move turned out to be!)

I had an ultrasound this week at the request of the midwife just because of changing practice in the middle of pregnancy. I gladly obliged as everyone down here says I look like I'm "carrying like it's a boy" enough to make me a bit paranoid about washing up all of the pink outfits and blankets. No worries, its still a girl! Dan and I kind of felt like we were getting a sneak peak at Christmas presents or something. It's been since the first of April that we've seen her. It made us that much more excited for her to finally get here!

We went for a last hoorah today as our time of life as we know it is dwindling. We went to SeaWorld and had a lovely time. We saw some of Baxter's relatives (the sea lions), enjoyed the Shamu show, and floated on the lazy river to cool off. It was a nice little getaway in our own city!