'WOW...' was all we heard as Grace was putting on the strobe light show. She knows the good spot, there are 6 switches here for a very exciting light show. Based on this we figured she'd love the fireworks for the 4th or else be scared of the loud booms. Either way, Grace couldn't hang until fireworks time. The rough life of being almost 2!
the secretary
I think Grace is going to make a great big sister (for the most part...) Teaching Emma to count, '4, 9, 10', putting her to bed, reading books, taking her for stroller rides. There would still be the flinging of Emma, hitting her head against the wall, and 'beating' her to sleep. The encounters will have to be supervised... but I assume it is all with good intent.
Grace's FAVORITE book, 'Do Princesses Wear Hiking Boots'. It ends up being read 8x/day and it is the only book with more than one word per page that she'll sit still for the entire thing. This reminds me of a card we were given in congrats for my pregnancy with Grace. It asked, 'Ever watch a movie 99 times?' Inside it said, 'Get ready, you will.' So here we go...Somehow she prefers Dan to read it to her and he loves princesses. Grace will come up to him at the couch and hand him the book and say 'read you?' I guess that comes from us asking,' Do you want us to read to you?' Its cute.