Its feeling like fall already which is amazing and awesome. Alright, wishful thinking, I may be getting ahead of myself, but it is pleasant in the upper 80's without the heavy humidity. Maybe its just that it's not 110 here like it is in Texas, too... Glad life brought us this way out of the heat of this summer in Texas!
Those blue eyes... so pretty and so telling when she's feeling ornery.
Grace is determined to learn to read, soon!! She can recognize all of the letters of the alphabet, can count to 20, she has an entire library of books that she can 'read' (recite from memory) as well as many, many songs she likes to sing. Its fun to watch Grace's artwork evolve. She has been drawing 'self-portraits' which involve a huge head (accurate), small eyes, hair, nose, arms and a mouth that is a straight line across. No smiles here! It reminds me of some of the stuff we learned in peds nursing about kids' development and how they view themselves. Who needs a body anyways?!
Grace is very sweet about helping Lia, playing with her and its especially cute when she tries to intervene to help stop Lia's crying when she's upset. Of course its not all rosy... There are many times when Grace is the reason that Lia is crying as well. Sharing is a huge hurdle that she is going to have to overcome. As all of you out there with kids know, Grace could be playing intently with something but as soon as Lia picks up something (completely unrelated to what Grace is doing) Grace freaks out and runs over and takes it from Lia. And now Lia is old enough that she isn't going to just let it happen. Let the hair pulling begin!! jk!
August 24, 2011
How many different houses has this picture been taken? Let's not go there! ;-)