the big quarter-year old
Time keeps flying by! Especially now that I'm back to work, the work days fly by and I get to squeeze in a day with Grace and Dan in between. It seems that there is always plenty to do on my days off but its nice to relax with Grace and enjoy cuddling with her. Grace is in good hands and has fun hanging out with Dan during the day while I'm gone and our babysitter in the evenings.
Miss Grace has been busy, too. She has decided rolling over is her favorite thing to do and flips from back to belly every chance she gets. She is becoming ever more 'talkative', and many times she wants to share her deepest thoughts during meal time which is cute but also a little frustrating.... She likes to take baths in the big tub now and kick and splash. She's been to the nursery at the gym and will probably check out the nursery at church soon, too, unless her manners improve (she had a huge burp at a quiet point during the service. We had a lot of looks our way, mostly smiles, when they realized it wasn't Dan) :)
Its hard to believe the holiday season is starting tomorrow with Thanksgiving. It isn't exactly cold down here so it seems a little odd for the stores to have their Christmas decorations out and the Christmas music playing while we walk around the outdoor mall in short sleeves.

We can at least pretend it gets cold around here

Bathtime in the big tub!!

Where's Grace?!

Aunt Windy came to visit