We just returned from a nice little relaxing vacation to Ft. Walton Beach, Florida with the Parman side of the family. This vacation was planned since February and it seemed a little crazy to go in the midst of all else we have going on, but it was nice to NOT be able to pack boxes or fret over the cleanliness of the house for showings for a few days. There was lots of R & R to be had at the beach and pool- no agenda, just ahhhh....
I also traveled to Indy for a wonderful baby shower put on by Mel and her mom, Linda. It was great because I was able to see many good friends and family that might have otherwise not seen the belly in person.
And now we're back to action. We both have our last day of work tomorrow, a couple more boxes to pack, we'll load up the moving truck on Saturday (with lots of great help) and we'll set sail Sunday morning.
I had my last Raleigh OB appointment today. All is well. I had to drink the super-sweet drink and get my blood checked to make sure I don't have gestational diabetes (everyone has to do this about now during pregnancy). You have to fast for 3 hours leading up to drinking the sweet stuff. What cruel torture to tell a pregnant woman she can't eat for 3 hours! I grabbed my medical records from the office and its on to San Antonio!
Dan is very excited, no doubt. He will be giving the official salute as he leaves work tomorrow. I have slightly more mixed emotions leaving a job that I love but it will be worth it in the end because I'll finally get to see Dan again besides the last hour of the day as we veg. on the couch because we're so tired. All of this just in time where he won't be working so much and can get to enjoy his daughter when she arrives.
We'll let you know when we make it to San Antonio!