We're counting down... 3 weeks to go. Life is good here in San Antonio. We are both getting up to speed with our jobs. I am off orientation and learning the ropes of a new nursing unit and new system. Dan is 'off' for the month of August and doing the administrative work to get the team ready to start their new season in September. He's been receiving lots of phone calls with people interested in joining the team thanks to Michael Phelps and the US Swim Team!

We are also very excited to be moving into a house just in time before the baby comes. The 3rd story apartment life is for the birds!! Things couldn't have worked out better the way we found this house. We'll be getting in 2 weeks before the baby is due and have a nice home to welcome her in to this world. What a blessing that my mom is able to come down to help with the move and is going to stay through until after the baby is born. (I can't believe she agreed after the ordeal the last move turned out to be!)

I had an ultrasound this week at the request of the midwife just because of changing practice in the middle of pregnancy. I gladly obliged as everyone down here says I look like I'm "carrying like it's a boy" enough to make me a bit paranoid about washing up all of the pink outfits and blankets. No worries, its still a girl! Dan and I kind of felt like we were getting a sneak peak at Christmas presents or something. It's been since the first of April that we've seen her. It made us that much more excited for her to finally get here!
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