Here we are, Grace is already one month old today! It's amazing to see how much she has changed already in just a short time. We are enjoying every minute of it, especially the fact that she is only waking to eat once each night now. She has a little personality that is starting to show and has become more interactive even just in the last few days. She has been making squeaky sounds for some time and is starting to coo. She's been on her belly doing 'tummy time' and has to use her entire lower half as leverage to lift her head-quite cute. Sometimes she gets frustrated that her head is just too heavy to lift and starts to cry. One of Grace's favorite things is to 'watch' football with Dan while sleeping on his chest. We've been going out walking with the stroller most every day and Baxter is grateful for that.

Its funny that life has finally slowed down for us AFTER having a baby. Dan is into his routine with coaching and working out of his home office during the day. I am definitely enjoying this time at home being a mom. So far she has made my job pretty easy, and even when she's crying we still think she is cute.
I think I can officially say that all of our boxes are unpacked now and there are even pictures on the walls. This house feels like home already and the area will continue to do so as well. I feel like I am a little removed from the city now that I don't go out so much but there will be plenty of time to explore in the future.

Too cute for words!!! I know yall are proud.
I love that last picture of Grace. So very, very cute!
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