ah, the holidays are here...
Thanksgiving with Mimi and Grandpa in Chattanooga, TN. Then we'll be up with Pocky, Grandma Pat-Pat, Uncle Matt, Aunt Christy, Tatum and 'Flounder' baby TBA in Denver, CO. A little adenoidectomy and ear tube redo in between and hopefully we'll all be healthy!

It was pretty neat to see my daughter play with the same toys that were from my childhood

'Just look, don't touch the pretty'. Grace is doing pretty good about refraining but she always does a little 'potty dance' like its killing her to not touch the light. Like mother, like daughter, the bubbling light as always been one of my favorite things to put out at Christmas time, though no 'potty dance' for me :)
We don't get the change of seasons or the leaves like this in Texas

We went to the aquarium in Chattanooga, possibly more for our entertainment, but Grace really did seem to enjoy the penguins and all of the fish
We went to see the Christmas lights in downtown Chattanooga and the boats on the river that are decorated in lights (by some accounts, very redneck, but it IS pretty neat)
White and Nerdy- this one's for you, Uncle Ray!! Missed you! You, too Mel, but you're exempt from the white and nerdy :)
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