Grace- "Balotional" (devotional); "George and the Washing" (George Washington, on Presidents' Day); "Can I cut my heart out now?" (referencing cutting out hearts for "Balenstines Day"); "Mom, I'm going to knock your socks off!"; Tuesday morning "Is it still Monday?" (hoping so so that she can go to gymnastics again); After church one Sunday, Dan asked Grace what her Sunday school teacher's name was. Her response, "I don't know...........Its probably Jesus."; "Why?" to EVERYTHING!!; "Fenuary" (February); Christmas songs, specifically O Come all Ye Faithful and Away in a Manger, still being sung in 'Fenuary'; Miss Matter-of-Fact's response after being told she did something good: "Yea... so I......"
Lia- "coewee" (color); "cowee" (favorite cow stuffed animal); "owie" (ouch, but she says it just for fun); "Bah-ter" (Baxter); "taitew" (thank you); "Wee-wee-wee..." (when she wants you to pick her up and swing her or help to do anything fun- riding the tricycle or scooter, etc...); "booKAH!" (book); "cheeee" (anytime she sees the camera); "butabutabuta..." (just cute mutterings with the cutest munchkin face); "biper" (diaper); "bew" (booo!); "no" (nose); "sheeww..." (shoe); "NiiiNiii" (night-night); "jaaaaacket" (always spoken in sing-song); "Ila ewe" (I love you).
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