Tuesday, February 1, 2011

lots of pics!!

PJ's and snuggles!!

Hot Chocolate and 'marshmawas'

Dan thinks it was mean of me to cut Lia's hair and that her current nap difficulties are because she doesn't like the hair cut either. I have to admit, I was a little traumatized myself at first but I'm thinking she looks quite cute now. I was so curious to see the blond fuzzies that were showing underneath and well, She was beginning to look like the had a Gene Keady comb-over :)
STINKER FACE!! just like Kalina

Grace has insisted on wearing her butterfly fairy costume every day since last Thursday, including napping in it. I guess life is just better when you prance around in a tutu :)

Lia's first time swinging at the playground. Looks like she took to it well. Grace was more interested in pushing Lia's swing than swinging herself. What a good big sister!

Stylin'! Isn't Grace's hat awesome?! Aunt Sheri made one for each of the girls. Super-cute!

Baby hair and toothlessness. I think this was just before I got the scissors out... And Lia's been teething so I needed one last shot of that cute, gummy grin
delectable piggies

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